Studio SALES di Norberto Ruggeri


Hansjoerg Dobliar è nato ad Ulm (Germania) nel 1970; attualmente l’artista vive e lavora tra Monaco e a Berlino. Diplomato all’Akademie der Bildenden künste di Monaco, nel 2005 vince una borsa di studio all’Accademia Tedesca di Roma. Ha partecipato a numerose mostre collettive e personali: Berlino, Monaco, Francoforte e New York. Ha esposto in gallerie internazionali e musei: Kunstverein di Ulm (2007), Kunstverein di Oldenburg (2006), Kunstverein di Augsburg (2005). L’artista crea sculture, dipinti a olio, lavori su carta e collages, dove le forme cubiche e geometriche invadono lo spazio pittorico, con chiari riferimenti all’arte astratta in generale e all’Espressionismo tedesco in particolare. In tutti i suoi lavori, però, la forte qualità individuale e spirituale prevalgono sulle allusioni formali. L’approccio di Dobliar è difatti personale e quasi impertinente, sfrutta gli elementi armoniosi e decorativi contenuti nella corrente astratta combinandoli con nuovi metodi di pittura, dando così vita ad un senso estetico assolutamente contemporaneo. 
Hansjoerg Dobliar was born in Ulm (Germany) in 1970; actually he lives and works between Munich and Berlin. He studied at Munichs Akademie der Bildenden künste and in 2005 was granted a Scholarship from the German Academy in Rome. He has exhibited in numerous group and solo shows: Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt and New York. Collaborating with international galleries and museums: Kunstverein of Ulm (2007), Kunstverein of Oldenburg (2006), Kunstverein of Augsburg (2005). The artist creates sculptures, oil paintings, works on paper and collages, where cubic and geometrical forms invade the drawing area, referring to the abstract movement and the German Expressionism in particular. Anyhow, in his works what prevails is strong individual and spiritual quality. Dobliars approach is both independent and almost impertinent, he makes use of the attractive and decorative elements within abstraction combined with quite new ways of painting, so giving expression to a completely contemporary and modern sense of aesthetics. 

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Anaesthesia , exhibition view

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Anaesthesia , exhibition view

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Anaesthesia , exhibition view

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Distorted Flower 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013

Hansjoerg Dobliar , Untitled 2013